We'd Love To Hear From You

Contact Information


Step Up Pre-School, High Street, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, BA13 4DY

Contact Form

Registration Form

Fill in our Online Registration Form, and either Rachael or Lis will be in contact with you soon.

Child Details

Child's Birth Certificate must be seen upon receipt of application

First Parent or Guardian of Child Details

Parental Responsibility?

Second Parent or Guardian of Child Details

Parental Responsibility?

Child's Contracted Hours

Select the sessions you would like your child to attend. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple days.
The pre-school will terminate this contract immediately if: the safety or wellbeing of the staff is threatened; or if the welfare of the staff or another child is compromised; or if a child continually exhibits destructive or hurtful behaviour that does not improve with parents/guardian’s cooperation in stopping the behaviour

Further information & signatures will be required on hard copy contracts.
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